We are extremely pleased to say that at the end of November 2022, we were awarded a very generous grant of £2000 from Cardiff Council as part of their Food Poverty Grant Programme.
This Food Poverty Funding helped to support our Pantry over the winter period. The grant was used towards the cost of purchasing fresh poultry and other meat supplies. This meant we could offer our members two meat/poultry items per shop instead of the usual one due to the high cost.
We recognise that the winter period can be particularly difficult for so many families living with limited financial means due to the high-rise cost of living and heating and we wanted to do all we could to help during this cold and costly time.
We are putting the left-over funds from the grant towards purchasing additional meat and poultry supplies for The Pantry to add further value to your £7 weekly shop. We have divided the £2000 up so that we will have enough money to buy extra supplies for every week up until Easter 2023! We understand that meat and poultry items massively increase the price of any regular weekly shop, so we greatly appreciate being able to offer more high-cost items.
This fund has given us the opportunity to support as many of our members as possible, so a huge thank you goes to Cardiff Council for making this possible!
