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Our LHCT Donation Page is Now Live

Llanrumney Hall Community Trust

As part of our effort to raise funds for Llanrumney Hall and its projects, we have set up the Llanrumney Hall Community Trust Local Giving Fund page.

We made this funding page in response to a number of people who wished to donate online and from the comfort of their home. So many of you have been vital in getting this Charity up and running, especially during this difficult last year, and your continued support and donations have contributed to the success of The Hall.

For those of you who like to make annual donations to charities close to your heart, or have raised funds through a cake sale, or even have a little spare cash lying around, then we would be honored to be one of the charities you support.

What will we do with your donations?

Donations you make to our Charity will be used to benefit the local community as well as those further afield. We aim to increase opportunities for locals, secure employment for people, provide food and other essential household items to those in need, source educational programmes for people looking for academic prospects, provide extracurricular athletic activities for those interested... the list could go on and on.

As a Charity we will be using any income generated through this Local Giving page to the betterment of The Hall and the local community. This will be used in a variety of ways throughout each year but will always have the interest of our facilities, activities, staff, volunteers and most importantly the community at the heart of each decision.

We welcome any donation big or small because ultimately it will be a contribution to bettering the lives of those in the area and creating a sustainable community facility for generations to come.

Click here if you wish to donate

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