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Llanrumney Hall Community Trust

£10,000 Cost of Living Grant

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

We are delighted to say that The Development Trusts Wales and Locality Awards have granted Llanrumney Hall Community Trust with a very generous Cost-of-Living grant in the amount of £10,000!

This will contribute to the cost of heating and lighting for the building which enables us to host different activities, events and services. As many of you will know, Llanrumney Hall is an extremely large building with over 20 rooms which are located across 3 floors. A huge cost comes with powering the building so any help is significantly helpful.

Last year, Llanrumney Hall was able to help thousands of people and we know this figure will increase year upon year.

We cannot thank The Development Trusts Association and Locality Awards enough for their kindness and we hope to give back, as they have done for us.

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